A Beginner Guide to Clean and Maintain a Nose Ring

Posted by YoniDa'Punani on 2nd Jun 2022

A Beginner Guide to Clean and Maintain a Nose Ring

A Beginner Guide to Clean and Maintain a Nose Ring

When it comes to body piercings, especially those on the face, you can never be too cautious. Not only must you be aware of any allergies you may have, but you must also maintain your piercing, as well as anything that comes in contact with it, clean and free of muck. What good is all that tedious piercing cleaning if you use tarnished or unclean jewelry? Definitely, that will be equal to zero work.

Many of us make a sacred agreement with ourselves to preserve and coddle our new nose hoop dangle with our life. However, few of us are capable of doing so for an extended period of time. Crazy schedules, hectic lives, and exhaustion can swiftly derail that promise. So our jewelry is scratched or tarnished before we realize it. But it's always a good idea to be cautious, this means that we need to clean and maintain our jewelry. How do we properly clean our jewelry anyway?

Rcommendation for cleaning your nose ring:

  • Of course, you'll have to take off your hanging nose studs We recommend that you clean and sanitize your body jewelry on a regular basis. It's easier if you remove and clean all of your rings and studs at once, therefore, make it a part of your normal hygiene routine. When you take a shower once or twice a week, take off all your jewelry and clean it. While you're in the shower, give your piercings a thorough washing as well.
  • Use a professional jewelry cleaning, which can be purchased at any department store or jewelry store. It's worth noting that each type of jewelry material and/or coating has its own unique cleaning. You can also clean your jewelry yourself, using a DIY method. Just combine warm water (enough to dip your fingers in) and a few drops of mild soap you have on hand.
  • Use cotton balls or a soft, non-abrasive cloth to clean the nose hoop dangle or any jewelry without scratching or scraping it. When everything is squeaky clean, completely dry them before reinstalling them. Important: Make sure it's absolutely dry before you store them! Note that wearing damp jewelry can spread harmful bacteria, and storing it can stain or corrode silver and gold, even in boxes lined with absorbent material. We understand that it appears to be a lot of extra work at first, but it will quickly become as second nature to you as the rest of your daily routine.

Tip: Chlorine in pools and hot tubs can corrode your jewelry. It can sometimes eat through the metal, making the jewelry both unsafe and unclean. Please bear this in mind if you plan on swimming while wearing.

Typically, nose rings like nose hoop dangle are extremely popular among fashionable people due to their unique aspect and appearance. These rings come in a variety of sizes, colors, and shapes. Therefore, use the above simple but useful recommendations to clean your favorite jewelry.

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