Posted by YoniDa’Punani on 18th Oct 2022

​Why EMDR Is the Best Therapy for Your Mental Health

Recovering from post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD after successful piercings can be daunting for individuals with fears and metal or needle allergies. Your mental health, this time, will tell a lot about your behavior and response to people around you, which in many cases will present you with an unadmiring positioning with your peers, friends, and colleagues.

The shock, the few minutes of pain, and the after-effects of piercings like the nose, septum, cartilage, and belly can be solved with an EMDR procedure. The EMDR procedure will work for any form of post-traumatic stress disorder, be it stress from an experience of a gunpoint, the killing of a loved one right in your present, and more.

That said, the EMDR, which stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, could be used to solve any form of anxiety faced by people who are hunted and helpless. People who are hunted with anger, fear, dark thought, self-imposed isolation, nightmare trauma, and flashbacks will greatly respond to the EMDR procedure. You can read some of the most Q and A for nose piercings while saving yourself from any post-traumatic disorder.

So, if you are ready to learn what EMDR therapy and procedure are and how it relates to piercings, sit tight and get ready as we discuss some great terminology with you on this topic.

What Is EMDR Therapy as It Relates to Piercing

EMDR therapy can be applied to any form of stress disorder and mental health cases. To demonstrate the EMDR therapy method, we simply outline how it is done on an individual. Firstly, you must cross your arms across your chest, followed by a tap on each shoulder in a steady rhythm manner. While doing the tappings, your eyes are closed, yet both are moving back and forth - the back-and-forth movement of the eyes is called Bilateral Stimulation BLS.

The BLS, on many occasions, is called the linchpin of EMDR therapy. The method has been tried by many celebrities, including Evan Rachel Wood. The sole purpose of the BLS is to engage the person's eyes, ears, and body as they respond to stimuli while listening to the therapist's moving fingers and repeated tones.

EMDR therapy was developed by California psychologist Francine Shapiro precisely 35 years ago to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. The treatment is based on processing new information and experiences, connecting what is happening to what has happened in the past - such that in a deep state of sleep, you can process memories and experiences.

Ideally, when things happen in the present, it reminds us of the past trauma, triggering any negative or distressing feelings, thoughts, and images that were never processed, thereby pointing to a sensation.

In the same way, persons with body modifications like piercings face fears and trauma and could simply undergo EMDR therapy and become better refined. To know how EMDR can help your mental health after piercings, consider reading the following to get acquainted with the process's dos and don'ts.

How EMDR Can Help Your Mental Health After Piercings

Typically, after undergoing a successful piercing, you may face some trauma or mental stress/disorder due to the shock. Specifically, the way EMDR physiologically works in the brain remains a mystery to be ascertained by experts. Since the technique has been seen as mysterious, many people have referred to it as pseudoscience, making it a very effective approach for treating PSTD and piercings trauma.

If you have had piercings as a form of body modification, you should have properly reminisced some images; these images can cause many forms of emotional disturbance like mental stress, fears, and trauma. When faced with this scenario, EMDR therapy can help solve this case by following the procedure outlined in the definition.

EMDR can help reduce trauma-related symptoms of such flashbacks and images being processed by your brain. Following this procedure would help your mental health after a body modification routine, and it is good to watch out for the proceedings of the EMDR session, so you know what you are up for as you get yourself off any trauma. On many occasions, you'll find EMDR therapy a more effective way to treat traumas and disorders than other methods of treating PTSD.

Proceeding of EMDR Session

Specifically, there are eight stages of an EMDR treatment. The first is taking the history and treatment planning for the patient. At this stage, you must take a solid assessment of the trauma, the symptoms the patient has shown, and other things that may have happened in the person's life.

The second is preparation, when the therapist explains how EMDR works and what it entails to the patient without hiding any details. During this stage, the patient identifies the memory they want to focus their attention on, which in many cases is called the target.

The client holds about themselves in identifying the target, the image of the memory, the feelings, the body sensation, and the negative belief. This stage is called the assessment stage.

The next stage is desensitization which focuses on the target while engaging in BLS for about 30 to 60 seconds per time. At this stage, the therapist will ask the client what they notice, which could change in a minute. This could also be a shift in the image they were noticing, their feelings, a possible change in the body sensation or belief, and more. They might also experience a new memory pop-up.

The BLS stage would then continue for several rounds, popularly called the installation phase. At this stage, the client will notice distress related to the original target memory going down, and the negative belief starts to shift to a more positive belief about themself.

Toward the end, the patient observes how they physically feel during the body scan phase, which would finally experience closure as the therapist wraps things up, ultimately giving the patient EMDR exercises at home. Usually, every EMDR session should end with meditation so the client is relaxed and not aroused in a trauma situation.

The last stage is usually re-evaluation, which occurs at the start of the next treatment session. The therapist and patient will discuss how the previous ended and what can be done to improve the situation.

Comparing EMDR to Other Methods of Treating PTSD

In comparing EMDR to other methods of treating PTSD, one would consider the stage in which the patient responds to the one already administered to the patient. Good to mention that EMDR is part of the trauma-focused category of therapy one can follow. EMDR, along with others are prolonged exposure therapy and cognitive processing therapy, which are some of the most effective methods also in this category as compared to other treatments like traditional talk therapy or medication

This method is better overall as some comparative effectiveness trials have been tested and have not seen a better response than the EMDR methodology.

What Are the Side Effects Associated With EMDR?

The EMDR method for treating traumas and piercing-related fears has not seen a side effect since its usage. However, some might consider the distressful experience of returning to a trauma a wrong process and part of the healing process. The goal is that you must feel worse before you feel good - not everyone is a good candidate for EMDR therapy.

The process would be perfectly effective for those with personality dissociative disorder or multiple personality disorder, as people often place it. The method is solely bordering on personality disorder which may dissociate mentally and emotionally. Patients opting for the EMDR method must focus on the traumatic memories to work.

Who Can Perform EMDR Therapy?

You may be wondering who can administer or perform EMDR therapy. The honest truth is that any therapist who has undergone EMDR training can perform or administer a treatment to a patient, which generally costs as much as a therapy session and usually lasts about 60 to 90 minutes.

The American psychological association APA placed the standard course of treatment to comprise two weekly sessions for three to six weeks. However, EMDR therapy may not be well known as it is difficult to find. To gain access to EMDR therapists globally, the EMDR international association runs a directory for trained EMDR therapists. The list of practitioners is currently 13000 listed in the directory.

Where can I find EMDR Therapist?

Finding an EMDR therapist shouldn't be a pain; you can quickly search on Google for the closest EMDR therapist that will attend to your post-traumatic disorder if you feel any of the symptoms highlighted above.

That said, if you notice that your traumatic disorder comes immediately after a piercing, you can go back to your piercers, who will recommend the best therapy.

Key Takeaways

EMDR therapy provides clinicians, physicians, and piercing professionals with an efficient approach to addressing psychological, physiologic, and mental health symptoms stemming from adverse life experiences. This doesn't only relate to post-trauma stress disorder or piercing-related shocks that may emerge in people's lives. It goes beyond the clinical evaluation of a patient's mental health and experiences.

People pass through a lot in their daily lives, and you need to get acquainted with tips and solutions to help you face life with optimism and faith in your work and pursuit.


Body piercing is prevalent among young adults, and it's associated with a major feature related to post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD, such as psychopathological and high-risk behaviors symptoms, which might be a motivation by a wish to deal with prior traumatic experiences.

If you're faced with any post-traumatic stress disorder, ensure to book an appointment with an EMDR therapist or professionals who are deemed fit to handle your symptoms. The procedure for EMDR therapy can help if you find an excellent EMDR therapist that follows through the eight stages of an EMDR therapeutical process.

Feel free to check out our catalog for the best nose ring, belly buttons, and rings for your piercings.